Monday, December 29, 2008

Fitness goals for 2009

"Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there." -- Bo Jackson

Goals for 2009 (I hate the idea of a "resolution," so these are just goals):

Average 2+ days per week biking to/from work (100 days)
5k PR
10k PR
Run a sub 5-minute mile
Half-marathon PR
Marathon PR
Hellgate PR
100 consecutive push-ups
20 consecutive pull-ups
Explore the art of Free Running (or Parkour)
Learn Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)
Become a certified personal trainer
Sprint more
Sleep more
Eat and Drink less (too much like a resolution)

Ok, some of these are real, some are not. Some will stick, some won't. I'll post back in January with the final list. What are your goals?

Set 'em high, and run hard in their direction.


Sophie Speidel said...

Here are a few (I'll be posting more on my blog soon):

1.Sub-15 hour Hellgate
2.Sub-9 hour at Bull Run (if I run it)
3.Course PR for Grindstone (I know I can run it faster)
4.Rest more
5.Sub-15 hour Hellgate

Tatiana said...

Your goals are very attractive...

I have passed 100 pushups, still have to work to get to 20 pull ups ;-)

...But why MMA??? You'll learn a wide range of techniques going to some more traditional style. I might have a very biassed opinion on this subject (being Shotokan student in the past), but general opinion is that things like MMA or kick boxing are more suitable for people who failed in other arts...

Neal Jamison said...


Good ones. I like how the sub 15 Hellgate are first and last on your list.

Happy New Year,

Neal Jamison said...


Great job on 100 pushups. I'm impressed!

My attraction to MMA comes from watching too much UFC, WEC, etc. on TV. I see it as a good way to crosstrain.

I disagree that MMA is for those who have failed at others. There are a great many athletes who want to excel at MMA, since, at least in America, it is the new boxing.

Happy Holidays and best wishes to you.
